Business Name
Start with a Name
ChineseZhouyi Business Naming
Naming Rate
Do-it-yourself Naming
Tips to Name a Baby in Chinese

Person Name Services
Business Name Services
Feng Shui Services
Ba Zi Services
Liu Yao Services
Meihuayishu Services
How To Pay


Start With a Name

A compelling name is the soul of communicative identity. It embodies personality, culture and value. It is strategic in sight and sound. It is your best ally, positioning you above the noise. The name is undoubtedly one of the most important factors in both how quickly a company, product or service becomes successful, as well as the eventual degree of success it enjoys.

A great name can get you where you want to go quicker, provided all other elements are in place. In today's global marketplace, commercial naming has become a complex and challenging issue. With so much at stake, it is wise to turn to the experts when it comes to naming your "baby."

You've come to the right place for:

Brand Naming
	Names for
		New companies
		company subsidiaries
		new products/services
		repositioning legacy products
Brands are worth millions, but what does a name cost?