General Fees
Person Naming Fees
Business Naming Fees
Feng Shui Fees
Person Ba Zi Fees
Liu Yao Fees
Meihuayishu Fees
Advertising Fees
= = ChineseZhouyi Personal Naming Fees = =
| Items (USD)
| Expert
| Senior Expert
| Chief Expert
| General Consultant
| Appraisal name (5ge Shuli)
| $18
| $36
| $50
| $68
| Appraisal name (Zhouyi Bazi)
| $25
| $50
| $78
| $100
| Appraisal name (5ge+Bazi)
| $36
| $68
| $100
| $138
| Baby naming (5ge Shuli)
| $100
| $268
| $450
| $600
| Baby naming (Zhouyi Bazi)
| $120
| $280
| $450
| $620
| Baby naming (5ge+Bazi)
| $168
| $500
| $850
| $1168
| Adult Person naming (5ge Shuli)
| $100
| $268
| $450
| $600
| Adult Person naming (Zhouyi Bazi)
| $120
| $280
| $450
| $620
| Adult Person naming (5ge+Bazi)
| $168
| $500
| $850
| $1168
| Person change naming (5ge shuli)
| $130
| $300
| $468
| $630
| Person change naming (Zhouyi Bazi)
| $150
| $320
| $480
| $650
| Person change naming (5ge+Bazi)
| $268
| $600
| $930
| $1268
| Person arts naming
| $320
| $650
| $980
| $1320
| Person pen naming
| $320
| $650
| $980
| $1320
| Foreigner Chinese naming
| $650
| $980
| $1320
| $1650
| English naming basis on Chinese
| $820
| $1200
| $1480
| $1850
| English and Chinese naming
| $1350
| $1980
| $2650
| $3320
In order to identify who remit money into account, you should remit money plus a small sum basic on above price, such as 9.21, 8.32, 7.43, 6.54, 5.65 etc.
Apply for Person naming service please enter